Revive, Restore, Rejuvenate: The Ultimate Hair Repair Guide

A lot of people around us suffer one or the other hair-related issues. Hair problems impact us in a lot of ways. It makes us question ourselves and our looks. We are affected by the way we are perceived by people and our hair also plays a major role in this. Hair issues make us doubt ourselves and our self-esteem. Everyone wishes to have healthy hair, but it's disheartening when you look at yourself and feel insecure about your hair. But don't worry all your hair problems are reversible and can be treated if you do something about it. Here are some tips for hair repair:

Hair Loss
Various factors can cause hair loss/ hair fall. These factors can be genetic or can happen due to lifestyle habits. Medical issues and hormonal changes due to certain factors can cause hair fall. Diet plays an important role as well. Make sure you have a nutrient-rich diet. Other than this, you should use the right techniques to wash and comb your hair and avoid heat damage as much as possible. Many people don't know this, but too much stress can also cause hair fall. Thus, do not stress; instead, try meditation and yoga to control stress.
Do not style your hair in tight ponytails as it pulls your hair. Start using hair oils regularly and massage them into your scalp to promote blood circulation. Do not wash your hair excessively, as it will result in an increased amount of hair loss. Using rosemary oil will help you control your hair fall as it contains minoxidil. Talking about hair fall, it is normal for 50-100 falls a day. But if it is more than 150 strands a day, then it is a concern. You should take some measures to prevent further hair falls and avoid later regrets.

Dandruff is the accumulation and flaking of white dead skin on the scalp.This is especially because of poor hygienic conditions. Yeast infection can be one of the reasons as well. Sometimes, using products that you're allergic to or don't suit you well can be the reason behind hair fall.
To combat dandruff start with choosing the right anti-dandruff shampoo for you hair type. Oils like tea tree oil have antibacterial properties and work great in treating dandruff. Along with taking proper take of your hair, regularly washing it properly will help in reducing dandruff.

Frizzy hair is always a turnoff whenever you're leaving your house. It refers to those messy and unmanageable hair that never listens to you. Frizzy hair is mostly an issue for people with dry hair. It can be due to humidity, heat damage, poor maintenance, excessive friction or environmental factors.
Frizzy hair can be specifically handled with the right hair products and habits. Using conditioners, moisture-retaining products, and hair serums will help you deal with frizzi hair. Avoid using any heat for styling hair, and take care of your hair gently to get frizz-free hair.
Oily Hair

The production of oils on your scalp is the main reason for oily hair. Another factor for an oily scalp can be genetic or hormonal. If you have an oily scalp then you should avoid using heavy products for your hair and washing hair often. Washing your hair more than required can strip off oil, which results in the production of more oil. People with oily scalp are recommended to use light products on their hair. Argan oil, almond oil and coconut oil are some lightweight hair oils that suit oily scalp.
Dry Hair

Dry hair particularly lacks moisture. The reason behind your dry hair can be overwashing or heat damage. The heat from air dryers and styling products can harm your hair tremendously. Hair treatments and harsh chemicals can make your hair dry. Environmental factors also play an important role. If you have a dry scalp you should use specific moisture shampoo and conditioner. To provide your hair more care try a mask once a week to hydrate and nourish your hair. Get a wide-tooth comb to prevent breakage of your hair.
It's not uncommon to have hair problems. Every other person suffers from hair issues. This can make you feel insecure at times, but do not worry; you can use remedies and tips to treat all your hair problems. Hair loss is generally due to factors such as genetic, medical, hormonal and lifestyle habits. Various factors can produce dandruff but it can be treated using anti-dandruff shampoo and anti-bacterial oils. Frizzy and dry hair is caused by lack of moisture in your hair. It can be addressed by using the right products that nourish and hydrate your hair. People with oily scalps should avoid washing their hair often and use light products for their hair. No matter how your hair is, after all, when you can repair your hair with these simple tips, there's nothing to worry about.
Question: Can hair loss be reversed?
Answer: Hair loss can be reversed or slowed by using the right products and techniques. Further, for promising results you can opt for hair treatment as well.
Question: Can hair density be increased?
Answer: Yes, to increase hair density, you should give your hair proper care using products that suit your hair type. Also, you should avoid bleaching and heat to protect your hair.
Question: Is hair loss a sign of cancer?
Answer: It is not always necessary that hair loss is a sign of cancer. Certain types of cancer shows hair loss symptoms, whereas breast cancer or other types of cancer usually do not show symptoms of hair loss.
Question: Can dandruff cause hair fall?
Answer: Dandruff is not majorly responsible for hair fall. However, dandruff triggers scalp itching, which can cause damage to hair follicles.
Question: what is the cause of dandruff?
Answer: Dandruff can be caused due to various factors. These factors can be dry scalp, fungus infection, shampooing, sensitivity to hair products or any other skin condition.
Question: why does hair frizz in humidity?
Answer: In humid conditions, your hair is likely to absorb a lot of moisture; hence, you can notice your hair frizz in humidity.
Question: Can oily hair cause dandruff?
Answer: Oily hair makes your scalp greasy, which can cause dandruff in some cases. The yeast infection that causes dandruff increases rapidly if you have an oily scalp.
Question: Does oily hair cause acne?
Answer: Yes, oily hair can cause acne. The oil gets trapped in the pores of your skin and further dirt accumulates inside causing pimples or acne.
Question: How can I treat my oily hair and a dry scalp?
Answer: If you have oily hair and a dry scalp you should use a hydrating mask to nourish it.